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Sunday, June 26, 2011

So how does creativity work?

As I go through with my studies at the School of Architecture, the instructors seem to drill us with different ideas, concepts, formulas, just about everything.  They load us with work, drilling into our heads the faults of modern day schools and teaching. 
Greg Watson is perhaps the most brilliant and influential professor that I've had so far.  He's one of those folks that people either love him or hate him.  As to why, well, who knows.  He isn't like most professors of architecture, in that he thinks and teaches in the abstract.  To start projects and flex our creative minds, he has us do activities that require us to avoid using rational thought and decision making.  By taking materials such as paper and bass wood sticks, we glue, fold, break, burn, scratch, just about anything to try and make space.  After learning under him, I decided to go ahead and research the qualities and characteristics of desicion making and creativity, so I purchased the book "Sparks of Genius: The Thirteen Thinking Tools of the World's Most Creative People."  I've only read a portion, but so far it has really floored me on how the unconscious mind reflects creativity.

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